Hello World
Aug 2014 You’ll find this post in your _posts directory - edit this post and re-build (or run with the -w switch) to see your changes! To add new posts, simply add a file in the _posts directory that follows the convention: YYYY-MM-DD-name-of-post.ext.
Override Author Byline Test Post
Jun 2014 An article to test overriding the default site author.
Syntax Highlighting Post
Aug 2013 Demo post displaying the various ways of highlighting code in Markdown.
Sample project Post
Aug 2013 Example and code for using link posts.
A Post with a Video
Jun 2013 Custom written post descriptions are the way to go... if you're not lazy.
Project post template
May 2013 This is a reference template to be used for future.
A Post with Images
May 2013 Examples and code for displaying images in posts.
Testing Readability with a Bunch of Text
May 2012 A ton of text to test readability.
The trade of a business student
Mar 2011 To what extent does a business education contribute to the success of a companay?